The Cure Podcast

Screenage Dirtbag

The Cure Podcast Season 3 Episode 1

Hello friends of the Cure Podcast! After an unexpectedly long break we are delighted to be back talking all things related to health and wellbeing, and learning from our wonderful guests. We have a super episode to open Season 3. We  talk to Richard Hogan, pyschotherapist, columnist and author of Parenting the Screenager. He tells us all about the challenges of parenting and  how to navigate those tricky teenage years. He explains the difference between digital natives and digital immigrants (or old people as teenagers would call them). He talks about encouraging the development of resilience and skills to manage adversity in our young people. He describes how to recognise our own negative thought processes which lead to self-destructive behaviour and how to avoid passing on intergenerational trauma. He also speaks very movingly about his own experiences of family life and the lessons he has learned.

Plus: the transformative power of a summer job, and Dinny updates us on his ongoing quest to hold back time with his recent adventures in cold exposure therapy.

We hope you enjoy it!